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We are currently seeing massive demand for what we do and its going to take a little longer than normal to get your order out than normal.

We are working hard to make sure we get our fresh Biltong out to you as soon as we can.

Aberdeen you now have Triple Award Winning Biltong.

You all know that we just love to travel the UK spreading the word about what we do here and this weekend so us travelling further North than we ever have before. We had a stunning trip all the way to Aberdeen the beautiful and stunning Scottish City.

The drive up there was stunning the views truly breath taking we cant believe we have never been here before. 

Once we had set up our display on the Friday evening it was the normal quick few drinks with some of our regular traders before hitting the sack after a massive 8 Hr drive before we got started in the morning.

And it looks like you guys up North truly do love your Biltong and Droewors as right from the start we found ourselves packed with customers all wanting to get their hands on some triple award winning Biltong. What also made it truly special was that we had 3 different couples recognise us from other festivals one from London who is now a regular customer of ours. With us still been a small business that really does make us smile to say the least.

In other news you may of noticed that we have released some of our Christmas Gift ideas on our website for you guys that like to be prepared and ready for the big man himself. We still have quite a few ideas still to come so keep an eye out, but if your ready to get shopping get your early orders in now! 

Just CLICK HERE for our current range.

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