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Biltong and the Enviroment.

Our Biltong and the Environment. 

We know how important it is to be as aware as you can be when it comes to all things to do with the environment and we take it very seriously,  we do whatever we can to make sure we have as lower environmental impact as possible. So here's just a few things we have done to help.

1- All our Beef is sourced from only UK and Irish farms to ensure as low as possible food miles.

2- All our energy is sourced from a 100% Renewable supplier (We believe a first for any Biltong Company

3- Our display stands have been made from 100% recycled materials from the wood that we use to the bolts required to hold it together.

4- We have calculated the optimum box sizes needed for each pack size we sell to ensure that we have no wasted space when it comes to on line orders. (Pointless filling up a delivery van with boxes of air) 

5- The delivery bags used for all our orders are now 100% Recyclable.

6- All our excess packaging is delivered by us to the local Recycle centre to ensure its can be used again. We only do this when we have enough to fill the van to reduce the amount of visits needed.

7- Our boxes used for delivery of on line orders and wholesale are all 100% Recyclable.

Biltong near me/Biltong production/Big HOrn Biltong

8- We have a strict waste disposal policy that ensures what little waste we do have is disposed of in the appropriate way.

We still have work to do.

We continue to look at ways we can improve what we do not just from a product point of view but we take the time and care to explore what options are available to us a responsible business to reduce our environmental impact.

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