About Us
South African Dried meats hand made in Weston, Cheshire with 100% British Beef.
We are Ryan, Sheryl, Jake and Charlotte Walker, living in Cheshire but with hearts in South Africa.
Having been born and raised from generations of British farming family and both having attended Agricultural Colleges in the UK, it is of upmost importance to us that we only use British Meat in all our products. This combined with our own knowledge and hands on Farming experience ensures we only source the best local produce to support British Farming.
After our first visit to South Africa in 2008 not only did we fall in love with the beautiful landscapes but also the culture and way of life of the South African people.
Biltong and Droewors holds a massive place in the South African culture and is a long held tradition going back to the pioneering South African forefathers.
Its from this new found holiday delicacy and a hobby Biltong drier Birthday present that The Weston Biltong Company was born, initially for our own delight but which has since grown to delight others, especially across Cheshire, Staffordshire and now many parts of the UK.
Having started making only about 3kg a week for personal use and for family and friends we have expanded to drying well over ..well we will keep you guessing but lets just say its a lot more than we ever believed possible.
All our products are handcrafted to make sure that ever batch is as good as the last.
We now find ourselves in great demand as requests are been weekly for us to attend some of the biggest and most prestigious events across the UK and now even Europe!
Our Process and Product.
The process is very simple really, if you have the right resources!
Firstly the meat is bathed in Vinegar to help cleanse and tenderise the meat.
The meat is then marinade in our special blend of herbs and spices and left in the fridge for 24 hours.
Once marinade the meat is hung in our purpose built drying facility which dries the meat through a constant air flow and very low heat (Too high or too quickly would cook the meat) This can take anything from 3 -7 days depending on the thickness of the meat and the fat content levels.
The finished cuts of meat are then sliced by hand and packed ready for consumption.

The Game Of Thrones
Our latest claim to fame is that our Biltong has been used to film a scene on the massive blockbuster that is the Game of Thrones. Yes our very own Biltong was produced to a very specific request for a very specific scene on the final series.
Have a look below at the shots from Episode 4 of the final series.
Have a look in the Hounds right hand !
And here he is have taste of the finest Biltong to be found in the Seven Kingdoms
So the question is, is your Biltong good enough for the Seven Kingdoms?