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BBC Good Food Show Birmingham NEC

BBC Good Food Show Birmingham NEC

Its looking like a really busy month for us in June with at the moment 24 days of events to attend stretching from Cheesefest Kent all the way to Pub In The Park Leeds and beyond. So as you can imagine we are running at maximum capacity at the moment to allow us to keep up with the monster load of regular on line orders, Food Festival Stock, Wholesale orders and our increasing orders for bespoke products. 

Out of all the events we are attending this month the outstanding big one is that of the BBC Good Food Show, its expected to bring in over 100,000 visitors over the four days. So we have a lot to think about from how much stock to bring what flavours to make and even how many staff will we need to cover this massive event. Well running a small family run operation we have to look after all of these little details and work out what works best for us and to be honest its a bitt of a guessing game at times but we are getting quite good at it now so hopefully we will bring enough stock, bring the correct flavours and able to serve quick enough but time will tell.  

Have a look at what last year was like looks amazing to say the least and now with one of what could be the most rapidly expanding Biltong Companies in the UK attending it can only get better. 

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