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Biltong Created in the Heart of Cheshire.

We get asked quite a lot about why we are called "The Weston Biltong Company" where is Weston, well it seems like every event we attend across the UK everyone knows a Weston but very few know the real place where some of the UK finest Biltong is created.


Well Weston is a small village based in Cheshire not to far from Nantwich, Chester and Stoke on Trent. It population is less than 2k but in the old original Weston Village where we are based its less than 500 so as you can see its a only a very small place not well know at all. We decided to leave the Weston as part of the Company name as it's the birth place of our Biltong, we could of gone with Cheshire Biltong Company, or Nantwich Biltong or even Sandbach biltong but our Biltong making roots are firmly placed in Weston so the Weston Biltong Company was born.

Pub in the Park/Top of the Shop/Biltong

If you would of said to us we would now be a truly recognised Biltong Brand across the UK and EU when we made our first ever batch of Biltong I would of laughed at you but here we are proud to be a triple award winning Brand that is know for creating some of the finest Biltong, Droewors and Chilli Bites you can find anywhere.

Please remember one simple thing #NotAllBiltongIsBlackAndWhite

Weston Biltong Company/Nantwich Biltong/Cheshire Biltong



















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