Biltong in 2020 and the 2021
Sorry for the delay it's all been a bit mad here to say the least.
Where to start really Christmas seems like as good as place as any. You normally see us at some of the UK biggest Christmas events but this year was a little different ......well it was MASSIVE we really were blown away by the demand we saw even without the events, yes its easy to say we were busy but its really difficult to put in to words how busy we really were. We had to call in extra staff to help keep up with the packing and distribution from the whole of Nov and Dec we just couldn't of managed with out you (You know who you are and a massive thanks from us). One of the issue we came across during this period were things that you don't often think about the main one from our packaging company who at one point had no boxes left, our delivery company asking us to send parcel 7 days a week rather than the normal Mon-Friday add to that two of our staff needing to isolate for 2 weeks during the peak it really did push more than we have ever before. However we managed it and successfully delivered 1000's of orders all in time for Christmas so a astronomical result for everyone. THANK YOU
So far this year, well normally yes we see things slow down a little bit over Jan and Feb (So we can have a little rest) as you would expect, however already 2021 as thrown us a curveball and we are still seeing massive demand for what we do. So its all hands to the pump again as they say and the drying rooms are once again bursting at the seams with all our flavours and products. It really did catch us out a little and saw some orders getting delayed purely due to demand for that we apologies, but don't panic we are on it and things are just about back to normal. Add to fact we are back home schooling its not a bad result really.
Normally at this time of year we looking to book on to this years events all across the UK, however as you may of guessed this year is a little bit different "Again". Its really hard to see anything happening like that for a long while yet but we will keep eye on the whole situation and keep you updated on where and when you might find us.
This year again we think will be very different again but we are well equipped to adapted to the situation as it changes. The beautiful thing about been in charge of the whole operation from start to finish is that we are able to change what we do at a moments notice. We can swop bags designs, flavours, events or anything really from any part of the business and that's what we believe as allowed us to become as well known and successful as we have become over the past few years. (For those that said it couldn't be done sorry to let you down but its happened

We don't have any investors, a marketing team or design team behind what we do, everything you see has been built by us from the ground up. Yes we have built a massive network of contacts and people in the "Business" that we bounce ideas off, chew the fat etc. We never envisaged that we would come from a little lady with a few small Biltong Dryers to a business employing staff and capable of producing tons of Biltong (That was never part of the plan) at no time did we ever believe we could become possible the most influential Biltong Business there this but it looks like we have built a Beast .Yes we have new plans (As always) in the pipe line for 2021 but are again ready to change direction at a moments notice if needs be.
Once again its a massive thank you to everyone that's been involved in what we do and here's to yet another stunning year