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We are currently seeing massive demand for what we do and its going to take a little longer than normal to get your order out than normal.

We are working hard to make sure we get our fresh Biltong out to you as soon as we can.

Biltong near me

Did you know that we are based right in the centre of the UK? Just about as central as you can get, making us possibly the most accessible Biltong operation in the UK.

Situated right by Junction 16 of the M6, right in the heart of the Cheshire Countryside. We have incredible easy access to our unit where you can pop in and grab just what you want when you want it. Loads of free parking and now over 150 different products available to buy its one of the most convenient places to get your Biltong fix.

Even if you're not passing by anytime soon you can always order online and have all the taste of home delivered right to your door, normally the very next day.

Our Biltong is made by us for you and not mass produced in some factory churning out hundreds of tons of the stuff every week. It's made the old fashioned way and by that we mean using only cool air flow with no extra added heat in any way. Many other producers use what are sometimes called "Biltong Microwaves" ; these are stainless steel boxes that can hold between 100-200kg of Biltong, these do work quite well at making Biltong but it's not the old fashioned way. These machines are designed to push warmer (Than is really needed) air over the meat in a very confined space, the whole idea is to reduce the production time (Like we say like a microwave). As the meat tends to be packed in closer than what would normally be used, higher temperatures and faster airflow are required to make sure the required level of moisture is removed. This concept does work, don't get us wrong but our approach is very different to most.

We took the whole concept of making Biltong back to basics, we looked at the old fashioned way of making Biltong and decided if we were to make Biltong it would be in the way that it's been made for centuries back in SA. The real and most trusted way to make Biltong is by the very slow movement of cool air over the meat (the whole process of preparing the meat is very much the same across all production methods) Back out in SA you will still to this day find people making Biltong by drying it by hanging it in the garage well spaced out and allowing slow air movement over the meat, the extra space as you can imagine allows more air to slowly pass over the meat meaning you end up with a far improved product. Some people making their own Biltong out the bush will simply hang it from outside and let mother nature work its magic. 

Yes we have some strict policies we need to work to here in the UK  we work closely with our local EHO but over time we have built up a fabulous working relationship that allows us to consult with them whenever we need to. But this hasn't stopped us developing a system that allows us to produce Biltong in a more authentic fashion. It's taken us years to finalise the concept with many trials and errors, not such a bad thing as you learn as you go. We have tweaked different versions of layouts, airflows, heat and anything in between

We have built a facility that allows us to space out our meat as it should be to allow massive air flow at a slower speed, a facility that allows us to control the air input temperature (Keeping it cool when needed, not hot) therefore not compromising on quality in any way. This knowledge and knowhow has come from years of research, lots of lab tests, working closely with proven engineers allowing us to produce what our customers believe is the most authentic Biltong that you can find. 

By doing this has allowed us to offer the widest range of Biltong flavours that you can find, with over 10 flavours and 3 different fat versions we really do have it all.

We compare our production process to making a meal from scratch and not simply microwaving it and you don't have to look too far to see why.

“Cooking is one of the strongest ceremonies for life. When recipes are put together, the kitchen is a chemical laboratory involving air, fire, water, and the earth. This is what gives value to humans and elevates their spiritual qualities. If you take a frozen box and stick it in the microwave, you become connected to the factory.” ~ Laura Esquivel

Yes it's not a frozen box (Our is it) when making Biltong but we truly do believe and stand by the fact that making Biltong the old fashioned way truly does make a massive difference to what we.

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