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We are currently seeing massive demand for what we do and its going to take a little longer than normal to get your order out than normal.

We are working hard to make sure we get our fresh Biltong out to you as soon as we can.

Biltong Santa Sacks are Back again this year

It's the season to be Biltong Jolly here with us, we try every year to come up with something new and original as well as rolling out the old favourites again. This year is no exception to this, but we have also added a few extra ideas to make the whole Biltong Gift Experience something.

Not only have we rolled out the world-Famous Weston Biltong Santa Sacks in a stunning range of flavours, but you can now add a Handwritten Christmas Card and a Bottle of SA Beer to it as well.

The only question you need to answer is which version are you going for?

The Traditional one, The Spicy one, The Pick and Mix one or even the Spicy one.

Each one is packed with truly multi award winning Biltong that's been hand made by us from start to finish and using only 100% British Beef in everything we do.

So get your hands on the Original Biltong Santa Sack 

CLICK HERE to see our full Christmas Range


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