Brand New Look Great Same Flavour
We are truly delighted to announce that we have today launched our brand new packing and we think it looks truly amazing.
Our purpose when we created the Weston Biltong Company to ensure that the Brand would be famous for its truly massive range of flavours and our Logo. Yes we wanted our logo to become famed for the finest and most original unoriginal Biltong that can be found and we truly do believe we have surpassed this on every level. Our branding, logo and mantra has always will be based on the simple Hashtag #Not All Biltong Is Black and White simply meaning that we will always be know and recognised for our intuitive range of flavours and been market leaders in Biltong product development. All our Packaging and Branding has been always based on these two Colours and its really made us stand out from the crowd and that's something we really wanted to keep.
So when we finally decided to have a look at our branding and packing its vital that we kept to our slogan of Not All Biltong Is Black And White but at the very same time making sure that our massive flavour range stood out from the crowd even more so and this is how we ended up with the truly amazing look and feel to our stunning new look. It keeps our Logo just as it a beautiful Black and White Bull that's so well know across the world of Biltong lovers and its now set off and displayed with splash of colour. Each flavour now has its very own colour scheme as well, its not over powering or confusing in anyway but a really simple and bold way of showing of the variety of flavours that we offer.
So with subtle hints of Green to represent our unique Rosemary and Garlic flavour, beautiful Burnt Browns for our Smokey Chipotle and fabulous Blues for our signature Salt and Vinegar Biltong. Our entire range of Snacks pack stand even more than before.

So what are you waiting for grab you very collection of all 10 Flavours in one stunning Selection Box (May be great Christmas Gift idea) or select you favourite flavours in packs of 3 its really just up to you.