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Our Latest Team Member is here !

Our Latest Team Member is here !

What do you do when you find a man called Gavin "The Bull" Bilton? Well first of all don't upset him standing at 6ft 6inch tall he even makes me look small. Then ask is your surname really "Bilton"? And when you get the answer yes you grin a little. Then you ask why you called the "Bull" well to be honest when you meet him you know why he's called the "Bull" a massive 346IIbs add that to 6ft 6inch is really is a silly question.


Gavin/The Bull Bilton/Gavins Biltong/The Bull

So what's the connection, its simple really, we have been watching Gavin for quite some time now and we plucked up courage to make him an offer to help him achieve his goal of becoming the worlds Strongest man and were delighted when he said yes. How can we help him achieve this well as you can see from the pictures this guy really does need his protein and that's where we come in, pure beef protein is what we do and that's what Gavin will be getting form now on. Plus the fact the "The Bull" is our logo and with the surname "Bilton" it all really does make sense to us and him.

Gavins Biltong/Protein/Ultimate Strongman/Worlds Strongest man

So keep a very close eye out as we will be keeping you all up to date on this next competition and how we are helping him get his protein fix!

Feel free to follow Gavin "The Bull" Bilton on Facebook and Instergram 

Gavins The Bull Bilton/Gavins Biltong Supplied by us/Made by Us

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