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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Its Biltong and Droewors Combo Offer at its very Best.

Its Biltong and Droewors Combo Offer at its very Best.

So what do you do when you cant decide if you want a massive stack of delicious Biltong or Scrummy Droewors , with Fat with out fat with Chilli without Chilli? We have the answer right here and right now (If your reading this weeks after it was posted you may of just missed out LOL)

Weston Biltong Company/Beef Biltong offer/ Limited time offers

We have created the perfect combination a 1kg offering 500g of our award winning Biltong combined with 500g of truly delectable Droewors and you have some options as well , with fat on your Biltong do you add that to Chilli Droewors or just stick to our luscious original version that we have created to perfection by hand. 

This all comes in 4 perfectly formed 250g bags its really is that simple !

Weston Biltong Company/Beef Biltong UK/Offer great deal     Weston Biltong Company/Droewors Offer/ Beef Biltong Droewors

The best bit about all of this is that its on offer at the moment at a cracking price of only £27.50 that's a cracking offer, the hardest bit about it is choosing  what combination you want top go for. While your at it why not add some of our truly unique flavours as well we are sure you can find something else to add so you can experience what real Biltong Tastes like.

How do I get this stunning Offer CLICK HERE 

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