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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Our Business, Community and Coronavirus effect.


We have decided to post every few days an update not just from a Biltong point of view but from a small rural business point of view we are not journalist in anyway but we will try to tell our story best we can as the days/weeks or even months go by.
Today has seen our on line sales continue at quite a pace and we are still in full production so stock form our point of view is looking really good for the moment.
Also we have been informed that the Idea Home Show has been cancelled that means us missing out on a lot a days trade that we had been preparing for for a while now. This does a couple of things for us, this means we now have plenty of stock either ready or nearly ready to allow us to keep up with our increased on line activity (Thank goodness) it also means that we will both be at home now to allow us to do the little jobs we keep meaning to do that we never seem to have time to do. Looking at new flavours exploring new outlets and new products even getting the Christmas range ready for this year. Hopefully all of this will of settled down by then but only time will tell.
We still remain a small family business and like most other business small and large didn't expect anything like this happening. However when we first set up this business we have always had in place a plan for such events and now is the time to put them in to action.
As we live in a small Village in the heart of Cheshire we are surrounded by a lot of the older generation so with that in mind ourselves and several other residents have set up a group to support the Villages older generation approx 400 in what ever way we can, from shopping trips, phone calls or just a chat through a window whatever makes them feel at ease really and allows them to feel secure and cared for at this very difficult time. Our neighbour's are beautiful 88 year old lady who we love dearly and we are used to shouting over the fence to her and seeing her on a daily basis. Our other neighbours are a very young at heart couple who love walking and a good round of Golf not sure how the golf will go in there garden LOL. Anyway we are as a small rural community doing what we do best and pulling together in the time of need.
Having had a quick trip to the super market this morning we were truly stunned to see that al the empty shelves were not just a social media myth but a real thing happening in 2020. This really did make us think as we always do about what the British Agricultural community really do bring to the nation, we are damn sure they will keep us well stocked up on meat, milk, seasonal veg and fruit. With out them we really would be in a bad way. So lets take time out to really support and in this sombre time take the time to cerebrate and thank all our British and Irish farmers for keeping us all fed.
So please everyone keep safe and look out of everyone where you can
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