The Ideal Home Show has Biltong ...again
Its seems like a lifetime ago that we were at the stunning Ideal Home Show in London but this year its back and we cant wait.
When we started out with our "Little" Biltong business we never even thought of attending events as prestigious at the Ideal Home Show. One of the biggest indoor events in London, but when we were given the opportunity to attend back in 2018 we jumped at it, yes we had started to attend some of the bigger outdoor events but nothing quite like this in our capital city. It was quite daunting to say the least, your mind is full of questions from how much stock do we need for 22 days, how will get the stock there, where on earth do we park and even where will we stay? For a smaller business these question really did take some working out not having a team in the office to sort it out it was all down to us from start to finish, but yes you guessed it we did it and we not only did it but had a blast whilst we were there. From very humble beginnings attending small farmers markets and small local food festivals do we consider ourselves very lucky to be asked to attend the UKs biggest and brightest events. Maybe lucky isn't the word, as a very astute old gentleman once said to me "The harder you work you luckier you will become" so yes its taken years of hard work and dedication to the cause to allow us to become one of the most recognised True Artisan Biltong brands you can find here in the UK.
We are a small business in comparison to some brands but that's the way we like it, we just love the fact we hand make all our own Biltong from start to finish, none of what we do is made in a factory at the other end of the country that's churning out gods only knows how many "Different Brands". We are truly 100% Handmade by us from start to finish, yes its takes time and yes effort to make Biltong as believe is the right way by hand. Prepping meat, preparing spices, hanging, slicing and packing yes by hand. We have no major investors, unless of coarse you count all the hours, blood sweat and tears we have pumped in to this ever growing business. We have no office team, marketing team or Social Media team running high priced campaigns trying to get ahead, we just let our product do the talking and that's how we have managed to gain such a loyal following over the years and grow organically to where we are now.. We don't have fancy business address in London or a shinny office block, its just us a family team along with a select hand picked crew that helps us on our way. So if you ever wounded why we are so immensely proud of what we do and how far we have come maybe this just explains it a little better.
So with this in mind when we are asked to attend such events as the Ideal Home Show it really is quite an achievement really, so with all our stock now ready and boxed up ready to go we just need to make sure that we have everything else we need from carrier bags to signage to card readers and cash tins its not as simple as some may have you think it is. Each and every show is vastly different, your pitch location can make a massive difference to how you display your goods, are you facing the sun, is it going to rain what surface are you pitched on is it grass, tarmac or are yo inside? All these things need to be thought about and again when its just us having to deal with all again it makes us incredibly proud to making Biltong the Right way,. By Us By Hand.
So why not come and see what all the fuss is about we will have our entire range with us this year from stunning Biltong Selection Boxes to our hand made Biltong Dryers.