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Fatty Biltong/Big On Flavour/Weston Biltong

Who likes Fatty Biltong?

If your new to the world of Biltong you may of seen us talking a lot about "Fatty Biltong" or "Lean Biltong" and your thinking what's the reason for this well once again the answer is pretty simple really.

As with most meats or food for that matter its all about personal preference, some people just love Pork Chops with Fat on some don't there is no right or wrong in either but its all about what you prefer. So with this in mind we have for a while now allowed you to choose the fat content of your Biltong on certain offers. You have three choices

Fatty Biltong/Dirty Biltong/Fat content and Biltong

1 - Lean Biltong

This is our lowest fat content Biltong that we make and has very little fat on it normally, yes we still leave a very small amount on it so to make sure that you get the right Biltong flavour and add to that the natural "Marbling" of the meat we use its not fat free (No real Biltong ever is) but is very low fat content if that is what your looking for.

2 - Some Fat

Our mid range of fat content this will contain more fat than our lean version but not as much as the Fatty version we offer. You will normally find that your Biltong will come with piece of fat on most of the biltong some slightly more than others. As you would expect that each and every cut of meat we use is truly unique and varies in fat content not every piece will be the same but you will find it contains a cracking balance of fat and meat.

3- Fatty Biltong

Some times know as "Dirty Biltong" this is our highest level of fat that can be found and is loaded with fat we don't trim anything off and leave all the fatty goodness during the drying process it can take a day or two longer to dry due to the fact the fat holds the moisture a little longer but all you Fatty Biltong lovers know its worth the wait. If you love you Fatty "Dirty Biltong" this is defiantly the one for you. Very populaer with people on the Keto diet etc as it delivers natural fat in abundance.

Then you add our truly massive amount of flavours to the mix and you really do have something very special indeed, from Hot and Spicy to Sweet, from Original to Unoriginal we really do have it all.

And rest assured that we craft and create all our own Biltong every flavour every pack has been made by use and no one else. Just we can over see the whole process from start to finish we don't trust anyone to craft any of our Biltong.



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