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We are currently seeing massive demand for what we do and its going to take a little longer than normal to get your order out than normal.

We are working hard to make sure we get our fresh Biltong out to you as soon as we can.

Biltong Off Cut's (250g)

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After we have sliced and packed all our Biltong we are been left with more and more off cuts, we have been using them ourselves in cooking etc as we are continually increasing production it means we have more than we can manage ourselves so here you have it Original Flavour Biltong off cuts.

They are just what it says the bits of Biltong that don't quite slice correct or are to thick or thin, they can be big chunks they can be small chucks, they maybe fatty or lean, dry or wet or somewhere in-between just not quite perfect but still great to use in anyway you want (Think Wonky Veg in the Supermarket but the Biltong version)

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