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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Our Sponsored Partners

As a family run business we just love putting something back in to the community that has given us so very much over the last few years and here's a little run down and what we have done to support those that need that little extra help most of the time supporting others.

1- Dirt and Diesel.

This little venture saw us supply Tom Pepper on a monster journey travelling from John O'Groats on a Vintage David Brown Tractor. Tom raised over £5,500 for Cancer Research doing this drive and we were delighted to of backed him the whole way. This year sees him doing something a little different and once again we will be backing him again. (We its on a tractor and having Farming Blood in our veins its defiantly the right thing to do)

Biltong fuels tractor drive/Biltong across the UK/Big ON Flavour


2- Pink Sisters.

A cause very close to us here, the founder of Pink Sisters used to be a college of mine many years ago, she was very sadly struck down with Breast Cancer she was a truly special lady and fought it all the way and we are delighted to say she won. Drawing on here experiences Jackie set up Pink Sisters a support group that aims to help all people affected by breast cancer in the Midlands area.

One of the many actives that the guys did was Full Monty Style calendar of which we were delighted to of sponsored the month of March.

Pink Sisters SToke on Trent/Biltong Sponcership/The Biltong Man

3- Circus Star.

Every year we pay for a whole family to go to the Circus, may sound just like a day out to some of us but unfortunately its not like that for everyone. So we do our little bit and support the team at Circus Star and hopefully make some families day by making sure they get a truly stunning family experience that other wise may not of been able to do. Sometimes the simplest things bring us the most joy.

Biltong Sponcership/Weston Biltong Company/

4- HMS Oardacious.

Possibly our biggest Sponsorship so far to date these guys 4 Sub Mariners decided to take part in the worlds toughest rowing race and at the same time raise money for RNRMC (Royal Marines and Royal Navy Charity). 

We didn't just fuel them by handing over a few packs of Biltong but for 12mths we supplied the whole team of four with all the Biltong they needed to train for this truly stunning rowing race. And then enough to sort on the boat and use over the whole journey and that's a lot of Biltong!

So far to date they raised a stunning £110,000 !

HMS Oardacious/Powered By Biltong/The Biltong Man

5- Gavin "The Bull" Bilton

Yes that's his name and he's aiming to become the worlds strongest man with the aid of our Biltong. Gavin is still a serving member of our armed forces is a monster of man but a true Gentle Giant.

When we saw the name "Bilton" and what he was trying to achieve we decided that he needed our help so once again we are backing our serving members of armed forces to achieve something really special.

Fuelling our forces is something we love to do.

Gavins Homemade Biltong/Gavin The Bull Bilton/Weston Biltong

6 Peter Pan Centre for Children with Special Needs.

One of our most resent supported events was that of the Peter Pan Ball an organisation dedicated to making life that little better for Children with special needs. They are based in Stoke on Trent very close to us here and we believe backing Charites like this makes' real difference to the people that really need it.

Peter Pan Ball/Weston Biltong Company/The Biltong Man


So far to date we have calculated that we have donated in one way or another over £6,000 to great cause all across the UK and this continues to rise, its something we are delighted to do and will continue to do so.

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