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Windhoek Premium Draught 440ml

Regular price £3.25

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18 in stock

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Windhoek Premium Draught is a premium lager from Namibia Breweries. Formed from the acquisition of several local breweries in 1920 as South West Breweries Ltd, becoming known as Namibia Breweries upon the country’s independence in 1990. The brewery is located in the country’s capital and largest city, Windhoek.  Windhoek Premium Draught is designed to be an easy-drinking beer, perfect for socialising with friends. Brewed using malted barley, hops and water at 4.0% ABV, the flavour is slightly sweet with a pleasant, lingering bitterness. Buy Windhoek Premium Draught for a light and drinkable lager, perfect served straight from the fridge on a hot day.


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