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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Biltong Protein at its very best.

Biltong Protein at its very best.

So its that time of year again after Christmas has been and gone we start to look how we can best get ourselves back in shape.

Well we have a stunning answer for you right here our brand new protein backs with over 50% in each and every pack and in the biggest selection of flavour's you can find its the perfect Protein solution, easy to add to your work out bag can be used pre or psot work out it delivers the perfect protein solution every time.

In 7 Different flavours you wont get bored of them either so what are you waiting for grab your packs now.


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