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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Our Biltong is fuel one of the most challenging Sea races ever!

Our Biltong is fuel one of the most challenging Sea races ever!

What's the best way to fuel a team that is taking place in one of the worlds most demanding Boat Races on the planet? Well that's east really you fuel them with Biltong and not just and Biltong but our stunning 100% British Beef Biltong.

The Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge see teams rowing from the Canary Islands all the way to Nelson Dock Yard in Antigua which is just over three thousand miles, this will take over 1.5 million oar strokes to get there plus more people have climbed Everest than have rowed the Ocean ! This just gives you some idea of how difficult this challenge really is. So suppling them with protein packed Biltong will be vital in what they are doing !

We are delighted to say that we are backing a 4 man crew from HMS Oardacious with a small mountain of Biltong to help them not just on the trip later this year but whilst the guys are training getting ready for this amazing adventure. It makes it extra special when its one of our Armed Services we are backing as we really do apricate what they do. We will be talking about the crew over the next 12mths and letting you know what they are up to and how they are doing. If you want to find out more about what they are doing and how you can help CLICK HERE.

The Crew HMS Oardacious

The best bot about all this is that they are also looking to raise over £100,000 for the Royal Marines and Royal Navy Charity. So this just makes it all even better for us knowing we are backing our serving and past serving troops as well

HMS Oardacious Biltong Backed with Weston Biltong




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