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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

How do you make Biltong in the UK Better?

We quite often find ourselves been asked how can we make what we make even better? Its not as a simple question as you may think, its not just about making the biggest range of flavours you can find or about making it as authentic as we can or even offering possibly the longest faming history in any UK Biltong production well over 7 generations and many more to come.

So what we have done is decide to make all our products using only 100% Renewable energy so as from the 3rd May all our power used will be supplied by using only renewable sources from all across the UK that could be Wind, Solar or Hydro. And to make it even better is all comes from independent suppliers from all across the UK and the best bit is a lot of comes from great British Farmers looking to diversify what they are doing so once again we find ourselves backing British farmers in everything we do.

So once again we find ourselves been first again in the world of Biltong Production.

Have a look at what your supporting when you buy our Biltong.


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