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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

More Show added to our already massive list! Biltong on Tour

We are not right sure how we keep doing it but we seem to adding more and more events to our already extensive list. Looks like you guys are loving what we do here and that's make some of the most Original or should we say Un-Original Biltong you can get your hands on, what we mean to say is that we have the biggest selection of Biltong Flavours you can find anywhere from super sweet to mega Hot (Massive thanks to the Daddy's Cool for all our Chilli advice!) we have something for everyone. Each and every flavour we create has come from you guys our trusted customers who gave some great ideas so please do keep them coming.

Feel free to let us know which is your favourite.  Click here to see our full range at the moment 

Biltong Buy/Weston Biltong/Biltong Flavours

Now with our UK Tour truly taking shape have a look at where you can find us and when and make sure you keep coming back as you can see we are adding more and more every week at the moment. As always just click here to see our current tour dates

Weston Biltong/Biltong Buy in the UK

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