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We are a husband and wife team and make all our Biltong from scratch by hand. We have been making Biltong for nearly 20 years and created our Business nearly 9 years ago.

Mr Biltong is here and he means business!

So this week the big news is that we have new member to our full time team and he comes in the shape of Mr Biltong yes you big man in the world of Biltong is now with us full time. 

For the last nearly 20 years he been working for one of the worlds biggest telecoms companies and has worked all over the world from France, Duabi and good old South Africa. He has over this time picked up many skills that are needed to run and operate a truly successful business from marketing, sales, contract negotiations and project management  so trust us when we say he's got skills we mean it.

Mr Biltong/Tasty Tong/From our Farmers

So what's going to change here at the Weston Biltong Company well not a great deal to start with, we have a massive Christmas period coming up and all hands need to be fully focused on getting them just right from production to on line sales with well over 60 days worth of events now across the whole of the UK we need to make sure we are ready.

Mrs Biltong has done a stunning job in getting the Weston Biltong Company to where it is now but is more than happy with the extra help that Mr Biltong will be brining to the business. She gained some stunning support and has established herself as the go to Lady when it comes to Biltong production not just in the UK but Europe as well.


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