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Secret Santa Gift Ideas are coming !

Secret Santa Gift Ideas are coming !

We here are mad busy getting ready for Christmas again coming up with some truly unique Christmas gift ideas for that Biltong/Jerky Lover in your life and this year will see us with our biggest ever gift selection we have ever carried. However just before the big day ion the 25th December we often get involved in "Secret Santa" and this can be even more hard work than buying gifts for someone you know. So here's a few tips to keep you on the right track when it comes to Secret Santa gift ideas.



1- Make Sure that anyone taking part in your Secret Santa knows how it works so follow points 2 - 7 to the letter! LOL

2- Set a Price limit and make sure you stick to it, the whole idea is supposed to be a fun. Christmas is already an expensive time of year so stick to the limit keep the limit to something that's achievable and makes everyone think a little bit about what they are getting . We recommend around the £15 mark is perfect, sure if you spend a couple of pounds over or under no will mind if you have really taken the time to get the simple yet perfect gift.

3- Makes sure you do your research if you find yourself with someone's name you don't really know try subtlety to find out what they like and more importatly what they dont like. If you cant find out much our idea is to keep it simple don't guess get something that anyone would like its sometimes best to play it safe.

4- At the same time try to make use a scene of humour in you selection where possible again its all about having fun at Christmas  

5- When you receive your gift make sure you receive it gracefully, the person buying for you will have hopefully spent a lot of thought on what to get you  by now you will of also seen how difficult it can be ! 

6- Set a date and time that can be agreed to give and receive your gifts it really dosnt work if a someone doesn't turn up.

7- Have fun in choosing and most of all giving of your gifts its Christmas enjoy !

If your still looking for that special person keep an eye out for our stunning Christmas range that is due to be released very soon and we are sure you will be able to find that truly unique gift ! We already have a great selection of Biltong Gift ideas so you want to be one of the first to get a start on your Christmas Shopping have a look!

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