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We are currently seeing massive demand for what we do and its going to take a little longer than normal to get your order out than normal.

We are working hard to make sure we get our fresh Biltong out to you as soon as we can.

World record fulled by our Biltong!

When it comes to doing things first in the world of Biltong we think we may just have another one under our belt this week, and this time its world beating!

What do you call a man that's part of the two man team that can roll a car 14 times in 4 mins well smashing the previous record of 13 times in 5 mins. Well one half of that team is Gavin "The Bull" Bilton and he's no small fella we tell you. The other half of this truly stunning strong man team is Mark Jeanes another fella you wont want to upset !

So what have these guys done well simply put that have recreated something out of a superhero film by flipping a car 14 times in under 4mins this is a brand new world record and it was "That was easy,"  Gavin told the crowd, "No, that was tough. My legs are burning but at the end of the day me and Mark smashed it simple as that."

Gavin Bilton/Homemade Biltong/Jerky/Protein

The car weighting in at over 750kg had to be flipped over more than 13 times uin under 5 mins and the pair from South Wales  truly battered it making it so easy but watching these guys it wasn't easy in anyway at all.

Gavin "The Bull" Bilton was once again fuelled by our truly protein packed 100% British Beef and what more could you ask for when you are training to become the Worlds Strongest Man. Gavin currently stands as Wales 2nd Strongest Man and the UKs 4th and we are delighted to be backing him on his quest to become the worlds No1 Strong man by suppling him with our stunning Range of Biltong.

If your looking to try what is powering the "The Bull" have a look at our truly stunning range of Biltong and see what it can do for you ! We have introduced a easy subscription service as well so you can keep fully fuelled on the some of the finest Biltong around.

You can see more of the guys at "The Ultimate Strongman" in Nottingham on November 3rd where they will be competing once again.

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